Where There's Smoke Read online

Page 12

  “The bastards promise the wannabes whatever the demons think they want to hear,” Hunter ground out. “But they don’t tell them that until after they’ve been cast into the fires of Hell. Once they come out, the only thing they want is to reap death and destruction wherever they can.”

  “But trying to convince the wannabes that the demons are lying isn’t always easy when they’re promising them temptations beyond their imagination.” Dillon frowned as he took a seat in the other chair, stretching his legs in front of him. “It won’t be easy to sway Destiny. The only thing you can offer her is reliving her life, without a guarantee that it will turn out any better.”

  “I know, but I’m going to try.”

  “Time is running out,” Hunter reminded him.

  “I know that, too,” Chance said. “But I can’t give up.”

  The room grew deathly quiet. The silence stretched.

  “You can do it,” Ryder said, breaking the quiet as he turned from the window. Everyone looked at him; he shrugged. His grin bordered on wicked. “We’re nephilim. Our fathers were angels who mated with some of the most beautiful mortal women ever created by God. You still have a few days. Besides, we’ll have your back from here on out. Seduce the hell out of her—pun intended.”

  The tension from a moment ago was broken as the others laughed.

  Chance and Ryder shared a look between them. His friend knew he wouldn’t give up. Ryder had his back from there on out. They all did.

  “If you want me to share some of my seduction skills with you,” Ryder began on a lighter note, only to be met with groans from the others. Ryder’s forehead wrinkled. “What? My mentors were some of the greatest lovers ever born. Don Juan himself bragged about my skill. The ladies fall at my feet. They love me.”

  Dillon and Hunter started walking toward the door, moaning as they went.

  “It’s getting too deep in here,” Hunter groused.

  “Maybe we’d better put on some boots so we don’t step in all the bullshit.” Dillon snickered.

  Ryder’s frown deepened. “Yeah, yeah, but you guys just wish you had one tenth of my finesse with the ladies.” He followed them to the door, but turned before leaving the room. “You coming? We can shoot some pool or something. Have a few beers, get your mind off—everything.”

  Chance shook his head. “I’m tired. I think I’ll just go to bed.” When Ryder still looked unsure, Chance added, “I’ll be okay.”

  “We’re here if you need us.”

  “I know.”

  Ryder closed the door behind him.

  Chance closed his eyes, resting his head against the back of the chair. He hadn’t told them everything. God help him. Destiny had killed someone. It would be difficult to redeem her soul.

  If the truth were told, Chance wasn’t sure he wouldn’t have done the very same thing. The bastard would’ve killed her eventually, then moved on to his next victim. He needed killing.

  So yeah, Destiny was worth saving.

  Except Chance had a fight on his hands. The demon schemed to steal Destiny’s soul from the moment her mother had walked out of the store. Why? What was it about Destiny that made the demon want her so much?

  Chance shook his head. Not that the reason mattered. Right now she still belonged to the demon. Unless Chance could change her mind, and he only had a few days left.

  It would help if he knew what demon had purchased her soul, but he’d only heard his voice. It sounded familiar, but he couldn’t be sure which demon struck the bargain. If it was a lesser one, stealing her back wouldn’t be so difficult. On the other hand, if the demon was a little more experienced, Chance might have a problem.

  No, he wouldn’t think negative thoughts. He would save her. He had to. His sanity depended on it. Chance didn’t want to examine why this assignment was so important to him. Why Destiny was so important to him.

  Ah, Destiny. Just the thought of her eased the stress that flowed through him. He knew he was in danger of losing more than he bargained for with her, but he couldn’t stop himself. She was like a potent drug running through his veins and he knew he had to have more of her.

  He glanced at the clock. Almost midnight. Time slipped away and darkness moved across the land. Destiny would probably be asleep. Maybe even dreaming about him.

  He gripped the sides of the chair as he pictured her, the covers kicked off, completely naked. Yeah, she probably didn’t wear anything to bed. His dick sprang to life and he groaned at the image that brought to mind.

  He needed to stop thinking like that! She was driving him to the brink of madness. He pushed out of the chair and opened the double doors, then stepped out to the balcony. The blast of cold air that greeted him did nothing to cool his ardor. He didn’t think taking a cold shower would help either.

  What would it hurt to watch her while she slept? The temptation couldn’t be nearly as bad as when she was awake. He only wanted to make sure she was all right. Destiny wouldn’t even know he was there.

  He glanced around as guilt flooded through him. The others wouldn’t like him going to her so soon after visiting her past. He’d be careful, and he would only stay a few minutes. He only wanted to look at her. That wasn’t the same thing, and he felt stronger with each passing minute.

  He promised himself he would only stay a little while.

  Chance closed his eyes. When he opened them, he was standing at the end of her bed. A few seconds passed before his eyes adjusted, and when they did he felt a keen sense of disappointment. She wasn’t in bed…

  The bathroom door suddenly opened and there she was, framed by the soft glow of light that was behind her.

  And she was completely naked.

  And he was in so much trouble.

  Chapter 12

  Destiny smiled. Chance returned after all. And she was never as glad for her aversion to clothes as she was right now, at this very moment, as she stood completely, utterly naked in front of him.

  Her gaze lowered.

  The guy wore only a white T-shirt and a thin pair of white bottoms that didn’t hide his killer hard-on. Styles had really changed since she was alive and had become a hell of a lot more casual. Chance almost looked as though he wore his pajamas.

  And how did he get inside the apartment? She could’ve sworn she locked the door. Not that she cared. No, she was much more concerned with keeping him from leaving.

  “I’m glad you came back,” she said softly.

  His gaze moved over her naked body, then locked on a spot below her waist. “I can’t stay.” His voice cracked and he cleared his throat to try again. “I mean, I have to be somewhere.” His eyes didn’t move.

  She slid one hand over her hip before lightly brushing her nails through the curls at the juncture of her legs.

  He groaned.

  Destiny smiled. It was going to be her night. She wasn’t sure why he returned. Had he thought she would be asleep? Vulnerable? Did he think he would give her pleasure without giving her what she desired most of all?

  Boy, did he screw up, because that was not going to happen. Oh, he would give her pleasure; she would not be denied having him inside her.

  “You’re in pain,” she said as she slowly drifted toward him. “But I can make you feel so much better.”

  She stopped a hairsbreadth from him.

  He swallowed hard.

  Oh baby, it was going to get a whole lot harder for him. She leaned just a little closer, letting her breasts brush his T-shirt, then licked her tongue across his lips. She felt the shudder that rippled over him.

  When he would have kissed her, she quickly moved back a step. If he thought she would be susceptible to his advances, he was right. But she wasn’t about to let him have the upper hand. Not for even a second. She would gain nothing because he’d take control.

  She had his number.

  Instead, she grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and tugged it upward and over his head, which wasn’t easy because he was taller, but she managed, then
quickly stepped back again.

  She bit back her groan. He was sexy and beautiful. The guy had some serious muscles and the broadest shoulders she ever saw on a man. She lightly ran her fingernails across his chest, across his nipples.

  Chance grabbed her hand. “You don’t know what you’re doing,” he rasped out.

  “Oh, I know exactly what I’m doing. Tonight, you won’t deny me.”

  “This could be dangerous.” He stared into her eyes and for a second she felt a bit of apprehension, but it quickly faded.

  “I hope it’s real dangerous.”

  Not daring to even breathe, she pushed down his bottoms in one move. Her body tingled to life. His dick was long and thick. She licked her lips. Oh yeah, all the parts were there and they looked to be in good working order.

  “Destiny, you can’t.”

  Oh yes she could. And she would.

  But as much as she wanted to feel him sliding inside her, she wanted to taste him even more. Before he could protest, she knelt in front of him. Her fingers wrapped around him. His dick jumped in her hand. She was taking control.

  She ran her thumb over the soft tip, sliding through the drop of moisture there.

  Chance groaned before reaching down to grasp under her arms, but all he accomplished was bringing his dick closer to her face, closer to her mouth.

  She did what came naturally.

  Destiny sucked him inside.

  Chance gasped, his hold loosening.

  She swirled her tongue around and over the tip of his penis, sucking just a little. He tasted good, and it felt so right to have him inside her mouth. She sucked him in a little deeper. His hands moved higher and began to massage the top of her head in the same motion as she was massaging his dick with her tongue.

  “Oh, that feels so good,” he moaned. “I’ve dreamed of you sucking my dick.”

  And yet he still held back from making love to her. Why?

  It didn’t matter. He was here now, and that was all that mattered. Soon he would bury himself inside her.

  She grasped his butt, bringing him closer still and taking more of him. Sweet! She massaged his ass, using one finger to stroke his anus. He tightened, then relaxed when she went no further.

  His hips began to rock and she knew he was close to having an orgasm. She wanted to drain him, except she wanted to feel him inside her even more.

  Slowly, she moved her mouth but slid one hand around to continue the up and down motion with her hand, lightly squeezing. She glanced at his face. His eyes were closed, lost in the sensations she created.


  She moved to her feet, wrapped one arm around his neck, one leg over his hip. She positioned herself just right, guiding him toward her. When she was nearly there, his eyes flew open in panic.

  She moved quickly, sliding over him. His dick slipped inside the heat of her body. She gasped when he entered. It was better than she imagined. She moved her other leg over his hip, her other arm around his neck, locking him in place as he sank deeper inside her. He was thick and hard and it felt so right.

  For a moment, she couldn’t move. She could barely breathe as her body began to tingle. The room came into focus and she knew she had to have more.

  “Fuck me, Chance. Fuck me hard,” she whispered close to his ear.


  Chance hesitated. This was wrong. He never connected with an assignment. Not like this! He never fucked them!

  Destiny wiggled against him. He sank a little farther inside her hot, wet pussy. Lights exploded around him as heat ripped through his body. Her heat.

  God help him, he couldn’t stop. He wanted her too much.

  He grabbed her ass, tucking her in even tighter, then pulled out. She closed her eyes, arching her back. Her breasts were right in front of him. He leaned forward, sucking one inside his mouth, rolling his tongue over the nipple before releasing it. She cried out.

  “Yes! Oh damn, don’t stop.”

  “I don’t plan to. Not now,” he ground out.

  He plunged inside her again. She clenched her inner muscles, squeezing him. He almost lost it. He sucked her other nipple into his mouth, scraping his tongue across the tight nub, then gently tugging with his teeth.

  “Yes! More, give me more,” she cried.

  Something banged hard against the wall. “What the hell was that?” He paused.

  “Demon,” she gasped.

  For a moment he couldn’t breathe. There was a demon nearby? That went in the bad column.

  “Demon. Neighbor. Battle-axe,” she panted. “Same thing. Please, go back to what you were doing,” she begged.

  Destiny was greedy. He liked that about her, and as long as she wasn’t talking about a real demon, Chance was happy to oblige. He sucked on her nipple, then released it and licked up her chest all the way to her neck, nuzzling the tender skin. “No, I won’t stop this time. I’ve wanted to fuck you since the first time I saw you. I don’t plan to stop now,” he reaffirmed and realized what they were doing was right.

  Chance tugged on her earlobe with his teeth, then swirled his tongue inside before licking down her neck again, then covering her mouth with his. She tasted so sweet. Like nectar from the gods.

  He ended the kiss and moved forward until he had her braced against the wall, then plunged deeper.

  In and out. In and out. Taking her closer to the edge, then pulling back.

  She clenched and unclenched her muscles. He drove deeper and harder than he’d ever been with any woman. Destiny took every inch. He watched for signs that he might be hurting her and was amazed by the look of pure ecstasy on her face. In fact, she braced her hands on his shoulders so that she could wiggle in closer with each thrust.

  “I can’t hold back,” he finally gasped.

  “Then don’t. I want you to fill me with your seed.”

  Her words were all it took. He plunged in harder and faster. In and out. In and out. Their bodies were moist with sweat. He plunged in again and again until she moaned, her body stiffening. Her sounds of passion pushed him over the edge and his release came fast and hard.

  He might have cried out—he wasn’t sure—as lights exploded around him. He only cared about how soft she felt. How she fit perfectly against him.

  And how he never wanted to let her go.

  He rested his head against the wall then turned slightly, burying his face in her silky, black hair, breathing in her scent.

  Ah fuck, he was in deep shit. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He never let himself get close to an assignment.

  Then why the fuck did it feel so right?

  He opened his eyes and leaned back so he could look at her. Destiny’s eyes were closed, her expression satisfied. Like a woman who was just loved, and loved well. She was so freakin’ beautiful. That’s when it hit him.

  Destiny was never just an assignment. She was a part of him. Had always been a part of him.

  And he was in danger of losing his soul.

  Chapter 13

  Chance leaned one hand against the wall and securely held Destiny against him. Her legs were still wrapped tightly around his waist as if she was reluctant to break the connection between them. Not that he wanted her to. He liked the way her body was pressed against his.

  The sex had been fantastic, too, but damn, Chance had really screwed up the assignment. He made it a rule not to get emotionally attached. He clamped his lips together. That ruke had taken a flying leap.

  A sick feeling began to churn inside his gut. Each of the nephilim had experienced loss at one time. There were souls they just couldn’t save no matter how hard they tried. It took a lot out of them. It took a lot out of him. That was the reason he didn’t have sex when he was on assignment. No emotional involvement on his part. At least to some extent.

  But what if he couldn’t save Destiny now that he made the connection with her? Yeah, he felt the bond forming between them. Chance knew that he might not be able to survive losing her. Hell, even thinking about th
e possibility of not saving her was eating him up on the inside.

  “Why so quiet?” Destiny asked.

  Startled, Chance moved slightly and looked into her eyes. “It’s nothing.” He pulled her closer, inhaling her scent, trying to commit everything about her to his memory.

  “You’re scaring me,” she said. “Something is wrong. I can tell.”

  Was he that easy to read? Now he was starting to let down his guard. He would have to be more careful in the future. He looked at her again and attempted a smile. “Nothing is wrong.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Are you sure you’re not married?” She unwrapped her legs from around his waist, sliding her feet to the carpeted floor, and stood in front of him.

  It was as if they were still connected. He should’ve known this would happen. He never let anyone get under his skin like he was letting Destiny.

  Don’t get close to anyone. That was his motto. If he didn’t let an assignment get too close, he could never be hurt. Hell, he even held back from Dillon, Hunter, and Ryder.


  “No, I’m definitely not married.” Maybe he should’ve said yes and ended the assignment. He’d never felt so freaking vulnerable.

  He couldn’t accept the alternative, though. Throw her to the demons? Demons who showed no mercy to the new recruits? No, it wasn’t an option. At least not as far as he was concerned. “It’s complicated.”

  “Gay?” She leaned back against the wall.


  “You know, you like other men except now you’ve fucked a woman. What would that make you? Bisexual?”

  “No, I’m not gay.” How the hell did this conversation start? He needed to get her mind off it before she dug a little deeper and asked questions that might be more difficult to answer. “So tell me about your neighbor.”

  Her eyebrows drew together.

  “The one banging on the wall earlier.”

  The confusion left her face. “You really want to talk about Beulah?”

  “No, you’re right.” There was only one other way he knew how to make her think about something else. Chance moved in closer, rubbing his thumbs across her nipples. Her eyes immediately drifted closed as she arched her back, silently begging for more.